Our phone number is 678-394-4860.email: jbkerns71@gmail.com
DIMENSIONS ARE FRAME SIZES. If a viewer has an interest in a picture, please call or email us; we will be happy to discuss details about any painting or show you the painting at your convenience.
"Laguna Beach" by Delair. Pastel.
"Road in Sunlight" by Richard Hinger. Oil on panel.
Click on image to enlarge. Dimensions: 21 x 17. Pastel on textured paper. Has a definite impressionist look at viewable distance. Overall pleasing piece nicely framed. Price: $ 575.00.
Click on image to enlarge. Dimensions: 14 x 12. Hinger's work known for his "light". Price $ 475.00. Make offer!
"Red Wagon" by Hilda Pierce. Oil on canvas.
"Basket of Flowers" by Laura. Oil on canvas.
Click on image to enlarge. Dimensions: 26 1/2 x 22 1/2. Price: $ 500.00
Click on image to enlarge. Dimensions: 25 1/2 x 31 1/2. Price: $ 150.00.
Mountainain Scene by Louise Rash. Oil on canvas.
"Boy on Burro" by Louise Rash. Oil on panel.
Click on image to enlarge. Dimensions: 30 1/2 x 24 1/2. Price: $ 250.00.
Click on image to enlarge. Dimensions: 21 3/8 x 18 3/8. Price: $ 100.00.